bradley/bryant 1983 - missing article
(too old to reply)
thomas gillon
2004-03-01 18:25:44 UTC
hi !

my name is vanda and i'm actually studying linguistics in toulouse, france.
my research project concerns the relation between phonation and written
forms in reading.
i'm looking for an excellent article of Bradley and Bryant published in
Nature 301.
(unfortunately, Nature archives online do not include numbers published
before 1987)
could you please help me by sending me a link, or just by indicating where
or how can i get to it ?

the article reference :

"Categorizing sounds and learning to read. A causal connection" in NATURE
301, p. 419-421, 1983.

Publ.: MacMillan Magazines Ltd., London, England
IDS n°: QA 490
ISSN : 0028-0836

thanks a lot !

PS. i apologize if i didn't get to an appropriate discussion list...

sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
here bimonthly or the charter on the web at http://psychcentral.com/spr/
Submissions are acknowledged automatically.
2004-03-02 02:27:42 UTC
Bonjour :)
Did you try to contact directly the researchers to ask them a copy of
their paper? They should be able (and glad) to provide you a copy of it
or indicate you a way to get it.

Bonne semaine,

From Tokyo
Post by thomas gillon
hi !
my name is vanda and i'm actually studying linguistics in toulouse, france.
my research project concerns the relation between phonation and written
forms in reading.
i'm looking for an excellent article of Bradley and Bryant published in
Nature 301.
(unfortunately, Nature archives online do not include numbers published
before 1987)
could you please help me by sending me a link, or just by indicating where
or how can i get to it ?
"Categorizing sounds and learning to read. A causal connection" in NATURE
301, p. 419-421, 1983.
Publ.: MacMillan Magazines Ltd., London, England
IDS n?: QA 490
ISSN : 0028-0836
thanks a lot !
PS. i apologize if i didn't get to an appropriate discussion list...
sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
here bimonthly or the charter on the web at http://psychcentral.com/spr/
Submissions are acknowledged automatically.
