seeking help for my diploma work (sources of psychology of internet)
(too old to reply)
2004-02-09 18:29:40 UTC
Hello all in this group
I am in my final year of my psychology course and working on
concerning the motivations of use od web communities (or generally
motivations of internet use). While doing this job why not use the
power of field of my work ?I would be gratefull if anybody can point
me to relevant scientific materials (links or PDF articles maybe)
about both surveys and theoretical works in the field. (Use my email
if needed )
Thank you for help (and sorry for poor english, it is not my first

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2004-02-27 18:48:50 UTC
I have seldom heared a more vague description of what you call your
dissertation. Maybe if you would mind to specify your endavour you could get
more help. Othrwise this looks more like someone looking for a way to
formulate a topic.
Post by sheala
Hello all in this group
I am in my final year of my psychology course and working on
concerning the motivations of use od web communities (or generally
motivations of internet use). While doing this job why not use the
power of field of my work ?I would be gratefull if anybody can point
me to relevant scientific materials (links or PDF articles maybe)
about both surveys and theoretical works in the field. (Use my email
if needed )
Thank you for help (and sorry for poor english, it is not my first
sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
here bimonthly or the charter on the web at http://psychcentral.com/spr/
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sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
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