Do the hallucinations of schizophrenics have a right to exist?
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Paul Campbell
2005-11-26 03:19:58 UTC
Do the hallucinations of schizophrenics have a right to exist?

Be sure to read this carefully. I am asking about the rights of the
hallucinations themselves, not the rights of schizophrenics.

A simple yes or no will be satisfactory, but I am of course willing to read
whatever you have to share.


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John K
2005-12-02 00:15:58 UTC
Post by Paul Campbell
Do the hallucinations of schizophrenics have a right to exist?
Be sure to read this carefully. I am asking about the rights of the
hallucinations themselves, not the rights of schizophrenics.
A simple yes or no will be satisfactory, but I am of course willing to read
whatever you have to share.
Just as much as any other figment of the imagination.
However I don't believe the Univeral Declaration of Human Rights covers
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada

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Paul Campbell
2005-12-02 04:19:30 UTC
Dear Mr. Kane:

Thanks for a lucid and thought provoking response. I have just finished
reading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and I am not sure I
necessarily agree with you, but it is additional information on which I can
now ponder the concept further.

I am curious: What other sort of figment of the imagination would be in a
position to propose to his host that he in fact did have such a right? I
suppose if a person had "voices in their head" it would be a possibility,
but aside from that I am having trouble picturing a ghost telling someone
they had a right to exist. Although I suppose it is possible. As I said, you
response has been very thought provoking.

Thanks again so much for taking the time and effort to respond.
Post by John K
Post by Paul Campbell
Do the hallucinations of schizophrenics have a right to exist?
Be sure to read this carefully. I am asking about the rights of the
hallucinations themselves, not the rights of schizophrenics.
A simple yes or no will be satisfactory, but I am of course willing to read
whatever you have to share.
Just as much as any other figment of the imagination.
However I don't believe the Univeral Declaration of Human Rights covers
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
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sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
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Kendall Moore
2005-12-09 15:45:55 UTC
Sure, especially if you can use them as Movie Script material.
Post by John K
Post by Paul Campbell
Do the hallucinations of schizophrenics have a right to exist?
Be sure to read this carefully. I am asking about the rights of the
hallucinations themselves, not the rights of schizophrenics.
A simple yes or no will be satisfactory, but I am of course willing to read
whatever you have to share.
Just as much as any other figment of the imagination.
However I don't believe the Univeral Declaration of Human Rights covers
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
here bimonthly or the charter on the web at http://psychcentral.com/spr/
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sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
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2005-12-10 19:43:26 UTC
Post by Kendall Moore
Post by John K
Post by Paul Campbell
Do the hallucinations of schizophrenics have a right to exist?
Be sure to read this carefully. I am asking about the rights of the
hallucinations themselves, not the rights of schizophrenics.
A simple yes or no will be satisfactory, but I am of course willing
Post by John K
Post by Paul Campbell
whatever you have to share.
Just as much as any other figment of the imagination.
However I don't believe the Univeral Declaration of Human Rights covers
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
Sure, especially if you can use them as Movie Script material.
I think that in that case they would fall under the heading of
"intellectual property" -- so the person who hallucinated them would
have rights, but not the hallucinations themselves.



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2005-12-11 14:54:51 UTC
LOL. You're right. ;)

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2005-12-11 17:31:23 UTC
LOL. You're right. ;)

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