Personality test
(too old to reply)
2004-04-02 09:28:58 UTC
Hello Banshee Veronica,
You have an interesting name, no doubt some hidden meaning...?
It appears that now one has answered you yet. Are you still waiting?
I am not sure what you mean by "that people can do by themselves."
I am not an expert in psychometry but I have examined a number of
It is my opinion that you may need a minimum of 3 assessments to gain the
insight that you need.
If you are still looking, tell me a bit more. Wrong choices bring wrong
Accurate design is important. No doubt you already know that.

Jesse USC, Columbia, SC
I'm designing a research and I want to use a personality test. I was
thinking about using MIPS (Millon inventory personalities scales) but
a colleague told me that Big Five would be a better choice because
it's widely used, but also I've found papers using MBPT (Myers-Briggs
Personality Type).
I want use a well known personality test that it's been used in
research recently, that people can do by themselves, and give me
information about their cognitive structure, interpersonal behaviours
and motivations.
What do you think?
Veronica L. Zammitto
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Banshee Veronica
2004-04-04 22:34:19 UTC
Hello Jesse,
yes, not as many answer as I wish, but I have hope :)
Post by JessJames
I am not sure what you mean by "that people can do by themselves."
What I mean is that the test does not require tester to be present, a
self-report test.

To sum up, I'm looking forward to a good personality test, accepted by
the psychological research community, I have thought about those test
I mentioned.
Tell me your opinion, I'll be pleased to hear an advice.
Just ask if you want some extra information of something that I've not
said yet.
Banshee Veronica (yes, it sounds good) :)

VerĂ³nica L. Zammitto

sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
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Art Kendall
2004-04-04 22:47:49 UTC
Perhaps you should choose the personality dimensions (constructs) that
are relevant to your theorizing, and then choose whichever personality
test measures those constructs.

Given the other variables that you want to measure, which personality
constructs have been found to be related to them?

Are you interested in "normal range" personality or in psychopathology?

Social Research Consultants
University Park, MD USA
(301) 864-5570

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