Dissolving high doses of diazepam
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Anja Zeller
2005-04-15 12:46:42 UTC
I am doing animal research and want to inject high doses of diazepam.
All drugs available are at too low concentrations. Does anyone know a
solvens in which I can dissolve diazepam at a concentration up to 40
mg per ml? The solvens should not be toxic as I want it to inject iv.
I have already tried cyclodextrin, PEG, acetone(toxic), ethanol 40 %
works, but ethanol potentiates the effect of diazepam.

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2005-05-10 22:32:35 UTC
Try various mixtures of DMSO and water. DMSO is very nontoxic and has
no psychological effect, but it can cause local pain and irritation in
the area of injection due to dehydration and osmotic pressure
imblances, so the more diluted by water it is, the better. Note that
though DMSO is nontoxic it can transport other chemicals through the
skin. Make sure your hands are clean and handle the diazepam DMSO
mictures carefully. Immedately wash any skin exposed lest you get
drugged yourself.

You might also try using a more potent benzodiazepine like Xanax
(aloprazolam?). If you have less to dissolve it will be easier to get
into solution.

You might also try adding benzyl alcohol and gently heating.

Finally look in the Physicians Desk Reference and find the solvents the
pharmaceutical companies use or get some premade injectable diazepam.

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