sci.psychology.research article for moderation
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John Grohol PsyD
2004-06-11 20:46:03 UTC
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Command: approve 1040611152012-24586
Command: approve 1040611152012-24586
# or
Command: reject 1040611152012-24586 default
# or
Command: trash 1040611152012-24586
Subject: Re: Comment to: Do Bullies have low self esteem?
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.research
This was posted here sometime in the past. Perhaps it may still be interesting
to the current discussion.
Humans have a natural herd instinct. (Most people suffer when they cannot be
with other people.) Herding provides protection from predators; herds are very
concerned with unanimity because it interferes with predator tracking. (Herding
is a real mechanism of evolution that is very successful.) The function of
"bullies" is to identify differences within the herd and mark them for removal.
When I wrote "A Biological Explanation of the Littleton Incident,"
(www.anthropogeny.com/applications.html ) in 1999, I was struck by some research
on adult bullies in the adult work environment. The adults like to watch just
like kids like to watch and they agree with the bullies. The function of
bullies is to identify and mark people who are different for removal.
These bullies enjoy increased status for this service and often assume leader
status. We have them everywhere and their function is to intensify the herd
instinct and identify and mark people who are different and, therefore, a
disruption of herd unanimity. Breaking up the herb increases vulnerability.
Now, I know that there are very good people in the following, but there are also
"bullies" in the ministry, politics, police and military forces, bureaucrats,
etc. who draw their power and position from this function. They identify and
mark homosexuals, people who are vulnerable for many reasons, poor people
(depending upon the socioeconomic level of the herd), at one time, negroes,
"sinners," etc. (The beauty of the relative success of integration is that it
was able to show how similar we really are. Since there are some real
differences, it is not a total success and some bullies still work this
It is my hypothesis that intelligence is declining in this country, and
elsewhere in the world, some already advanced in this decline, and, as
intelligence and self-identity decline, the herd increases. I suggest it is the
work of bullies that is driving the anti-homosexual movement today ...and it is
working big time. (Fundamentalist Christian and Muslim bullies are working
overtime as this change in the population increases.) Bullies are increasingly
successful as this population change occurs and they pursue their work and
position even if they have to invent the threats.
(I was on a long road trip where I encountered large flocks of blackbirds. I
wondered how any predator could pick and capture one. Then I saw holes open in
some of these flocks which resulted in momentary dissolution of the flock into
smaller ones. It then became relatively easy to track individual birds.
Predators simply have to wait for the momentary breakup. Bullies get to live
off of the "flock" by constantly "preying" on this fear of the herd by
identifying those who threaten the herd, and if these do not exist, simply
identify those who differ and suggest they threaten the herd ...as in the case
of homosexual marriage. Everyone, except those who differ, wins ...and the
flock likes it and agrees with it.)
In news that will doubtless come as no surprise to anyone who has
survived junior high, a study published in the December issue of
Pediatrics finds that sixth-grade bullies tend to be popular and
psychologically strong, and are often viewed as the "coolest" by their
lonely, unstable, and socially marginalized.
Commonsensical as these findings seem, they fly in the face of
previous research--dutifully repeated by countless parents to their
bullied offspring--suggesting that bullies actually suffer from
depression and low self-esteem. Those earlier findings, it seems,
mistakenly relied on "self-reports of being a bully" while ignoring
the reality that, as the authors of the Pediatrics report dryly point
out, "it is unlikely that bullies as a group provide accurate
self-reports of how they treat others."
When researchers instead use a system that relies on the consensus of
a large group of students, it becomes clear that the only bullies
likely to suffer depression are those who are both bullies and
victims--victims, that is, who take out their misery on students
unlucky enough to be even further down the junior high food chain.
--"Bullying Among Young Adolescents: The Strong, the Weak, and the
Troubled," Jaana Juvonen, Sandra Graham, Mark A. Schuster, Pediatrics
sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
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<pre wrap="">Command: approve 1040611152012-24586</pre>
Your Friendly SPR daemon wrote:<br>
<pre wrap="">## Normal actions:
Command: approve 1040611152012-24586
# or
Command: reject 1040611152012-24586 default
# or
Command: trash 1040611152012-24586

From: James Michael Howard &lt;<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:***@arkansas.net">***@arkansas.net</a>&gt;
Subject: Re: Comment to: Do Bullies have low self esteem?
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.research
References: &lt;<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:SPR1040610035342-***@psychcentral.com">SPR1040610035342-***@psychcentral.com</a>&gt; &lt;<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:SPR1040610134316-***@psychcentral.com">SPR1040610134316-***@psychcentral.com</a>&gt; &lt;<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:SPR1040611112236-***@psychcentral.com">SPR1040611112236-***@psychcentral.com</a>&gt;

This was posted here sometime in the past. Perhaps it may still be interesting
to the current discussion.

Humans have a natural herd instinct. (Most people suffer when they cannot be
with other people.) Herding provides protection from predators; herds are very
concerned with unanimity because it interferes with predator tracking. (Herding
is a real mechanism of evolution that is very successful.) The function of
"bullies" is to identify differences within the herd and mark them for removal.
When I wrote "A Biological Explanation of the Littleton Incident,"
(<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.anthropogeny.com/applications.html">www.anthropogeny.com/applications.html</a> ) in 1999, I was struck by some research
on adult bullies in the adult work environment. The adults like to watch just
like kids like to watch and they agree with the bullies. The function of
bullies is to identify and mark people who are different for removal.

These bullies enjoy increased status for this service and often assume leader
status. We have them everywhere and their function is to intensify the herd
instinct and identify and mark people who are different and, therefore, a
disruption of herd unanimity. Breaking up the herb increases vulnerability.
Now, I know that there are very good people in the following, but there are also
"bullies" in the ministry, politics, police and military forces, bureaucrats,
etc. who draw their power and position from this function. They identify and
mark homosexuals, people who are vulnerable for many reasons, poor people
(depending upon the socioeconomic level of the herd), at one time, negroes,
"sinners," etc. (The beauty of the relative success of integration is that it
was able to show how similar we really are. Since there are some real
differences, it is not a total success and some bullies still work this

It is my hypothesis that intelligence is declining in this country, and
elsewhere in the world, some already advanced in this decline, and, as
intelligence and self-identity decline, the herd increases. I suggest it is the
work of bullies that is driving the anti-homosexual movement today ...and it is
working big time. (Fundamentalist Christian and Muslim bullies are working
overtime as this change in the population increases.) Bullies are increasingly
successful as this population change occurs and they pursue their work and
position even if they have to invent the threats.

(I was on a long road trip where I encountered large flocks of blackbirds. I
wondered how any predator could pick and capture one. Then I saw holes open in
some of these flocks which resulted in momentary dissolution of the flock into
smaller ones. It then became relatively easy to track individual birds.
Predators simply have to wait for the momentary breakup. Bullies get to live
off of the "flock" by constantly "preying" on this fear of the herd by
identifying those who threaten the herd, and if these do not exist, simply
identify those who differ and suggest they threaten the herd ...as in the case
of homosexual marriage. Everyone, except those who differ, wins ...and the
flock likes it and agrees with it.)

On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 11:51:33 +0000 (UTC), <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:***@hotmail.com">***@hotmail.com</a> (elmer
swanson) wrote:

<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">In news that will doubtless come as no surprise to anyone who has
survived junior high, a study published in the December issue of
Pediatrics finds that sixth-grade bullies tend to be popular and
psychologically strong, and are often viewed as the "coolest" by their
classmates. Their victims, on the other hand, are typically miserable:
lonely, unstable, and socially marginalized.

Commonsensical as these findings seem, they fly in the face of
previous research&#8212;dutifully repeated by countless parents to their
bullied offspring&#8212;suggesting that bullies actually suffer from
depression and low self-esteem. Those earlier findings, it seems,
mistakenly relied on "self-reports of being a bully" while ignoring
the reality that, as the authors of the Pediatrics report dryly point
out, "it is unlikely that bullies as a group provide accurate
self-reports of how they treat others."

When researchers instead use a system that relies on the consensus of
a large group of students, it becomes clear that the only bullies
likely to suffer depression are those who are both bullies and
victims&#8212;victims, that is, who take out their misery on students
unlucky enough to be even further down the junior high food chain.

&#8212;"Bullying Among Young Adolescents: The Strong, the Weak, and the
Troubled," Jaana Juvonen, Sandra Graham, Mark A. Schuster, Pediatrics

<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2004/04/primarysources.htm">http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2004/04/primarysources.htm</a>

sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
here bimonthly or the charter on the web at <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://psychcentral.com/spr/">http://psychcentral.com/spr/</a>
Submissions are acknowledged automatically.
<pre wrap=""><!---->



sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
here bimonthly or the charter on the web at http://psychcentral.com/spr/
Submissions are acknowledged automatically.
2004-06-15 20:37:20 UTC
Humans have a natural herd instinct. Herding provides protection from
predators; ...
There are no natural predators for the human species; thus, humans have
become their own predators -- the only species at constant war with itself.


sci.psychology.research is a moderated newsgroup.
Before submitting an article, please read the guidelines which are posted
here bimonthly or the charter on the web at http://psychcentral.com/spr/
Submissions are acknowledged automatically.
