impact of errors on text readibility
(too old to reply)
2004-06-28 19:48:46 UTC

I look for any studies, researches about the impact of errors on text
readibility. The problem is like that: I have to make a (computer) program
which will decide which version is more readible:

The qiuck broun fx jamps ovre the lasy dog.


The quisk rboun foz jumps over the lazy dg.

Maybe you know - has anybody been doing any research one that?
piotr sobolewski
remove polish name of an animal from my email

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2004-07-02 22:11:58 UTC
In article <SPR1040628092904-***@psychcentral.com>, posted
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 19:48:46 +0000 (UTC),
***@o2.pl was in the mood to post and the
following gems of wisdom spewed forth...

:I look for any studies, researches about the impact of errors on text
:readibility. The problem is like that: I have to make a (computer) program
:which will decide which version is more readible:
:The qiuck broun fx jamps ovre the lasy dog.
:The quisk rboun foz jumps over the lazy dg.
:Maybe you know - has anybody been doing any research one that?

Not much in the psych lit; there may be more in the ed lit.
Here are a couple of citations that I have handy:

Pynte, Joel; Kennedy, Alan; Ducrot, Stephanie. The influence
of parafoveal typographical errors on eye movements in
reading. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. Vol 16(1-
2) Jan-Apr 2004, 178-202.

Larigauderie, Pascale; Gaonac'h, Daniel; Lacroix, Natasha.
Working memory and error detection in texts: What are the
roles of the central executive and the phonological loop?
Applied Cognitive Psychology. Vol 12(5) Oct 1998, 505-527.

I'd also do a PsychInfo search on the terms metalinguistic or
metacognitive and text comprehension.


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